Bestseller Short Stories in India

Interview With A Web Portal – The Last Guy
September 13, 2020
Lyrical Poems by Dr. Gitanjali Kalia
January 11, 2021

In an interview with Fazayal Shabbir, an emerging author in Fiction:

Through the short stories in your latest book ‘City under Curfew’, you have made a great contribution to contemporary literature. It is a privilege to be associated with you and I express my wish to gain a deeper insight into your personality as an author.

1. Your stories surely tell that you are extremely observant and ponder over minute details. Have you revolved your stories around real incidents or are the stories purely fictional?

The stories on the whole are fictional. However, some incidents and situations have been inspired from my life and those of people around me. I like to present minute details of the story because I want the readers to feel that they are actually in the story and get more involved.

2. Being a writer, who has been your biggest inspiration so far?

I started reading fiction pretty late in life. However,

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